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Publicaties van auteur Beemsterboer, C.J.J. 
Bakker, N.; Beemsterboer, C.J.J.;
Visualisatie van de spanningswisselingen in cyclisch belaste componenten
ECN-I--97-035 NL juli 1998; 62 pag.
Beemsterboer, C.J.J.; Prij, J.;
Influence of a gallery on the stresses in the surrounding rock salt
ECN-C--93-007 EN 1993; 41 pag.
Beemsterboer, C.J.J.; Prij, J.;
Influence of the stack length on the stresses and temperatures at the location of a borehole seal
ECN-C--93-006 EN 1993; 47 pag.
Prij, J.; Hamilton, L.F.M.; Beemsterboer, C.J.J.; Horn, B.A. van den;
Thermo-mechanical pre-test analyses for the HAW test field.
ECN-R--91-001 EN 1991; 0 pag.