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ECN publicatie:
Recent developments towards standardisation in geochemical modelling of leaching processes
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Environment & Energy Engineering 29-5-2012
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-M--12-033 Conferentiebijdrage
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
7  Niet beschikbaar.

Since geochemical modelling is increasingly being used to support the development of environmental policy and regulatory limit values for contaminants in waste and construction materials that are utilised or landfilled, it is mandatory to ensure that model predictions are transparent and reproducible, and that uncertainties are analysed and quantified. In addition, it is important to ensure that model input parameters are quantified in a standardised manner. Present geochemical models in which sorption to multiple reactive surfaces is considered (so-called multi-surface models) rely strongly on input parameters for reactive mineral and organic surfaces. Extraction procedures have been developed and/or selected from the literature that are believed to be the most selective for the quantification of amorphous and crystalline iron(hydr)-oxides, amorphous aluminium(hydr)oxides and humic substances in both the soil and soil solution. These procedures are in development as international standards by ISO TC190 “Soil Quality” and are currently published as “Final Draft International Standards” in the ISO/FDIS 12782-series “Soil quality - Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and speciation of constituents in soils and materials”, Part 1-5. In addition, a new work item is prepared for a standard to provide guidance on the use of the ISO/DIS 12782 input parameters in the geochemical modelling of leaching processes. Because of their applicability to other materials than soil and soil materials, as will be demonstrated at the conference, these draft standards are also being considered for adoption by CEN TC292 (waste) and CEN TC351 (construction products). These developments in standardisation will be further detailed and illustrated with examples at the conference, and common principles and differences in applications to contaminant leaching from waste, construction materials and soils will be addressed.

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