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ECN publicatie:
Offshore wind farms : analysis of transport and installation costs
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Windenergie 1-2-2002
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-I--02-002 Overig
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
122 Download PDF  (6937kB)

A computer model that calculates the transport and installation costsof a wind farm has been composed and implemented in the OWECOP II model of ECN. The latter quantifies all costs of implementation of a wind farm, at a determined location on the Dutch Exclusive Economical Zone. Transport and installation are a part of it. The computer model is an ExcelTM workbook that includes an input part, a database part and a calculation part. Transport and installation costs have been derived based on available offshore techniques and structured according to possible wind turbine assembly procedures. Besides the cost of offshore equipment, also an estimation of delays due to bad weather and the use of several vessels simultaneously have been included. Other costs included are: Scour protection costs, costs of soil research, costs of electric cable installation and costs of removal of wind turbine / wind turbine components after their operational lifetime. The calculation of costs for transport and installation of offshore wind turbines as implemented in the OWECOP model, could be detailed by a deeper analysis of workable conditions (probability of work) and implementation of wind turbine sizes and dimensions related to the transport and installation vessels.

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