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ECN publicatie:
Hergebruik van assen uit biomassaverbranding: Hoeveelheden en samenstelling van de assen en opties voor materiaalhergebruik
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Biomassa, Kolen en Milieuonderzoek 11-5-2011
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-E--11-034 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
37 Download PDF  (447kB)

Sustainable use of biomass for production of heat and power implies that ashes from the thermal conversion of biomass fuels should be utilized and not land filled. This document provides background information with regard to the possibilities for utilization of “pure” biomass ashes in the Netherlands, that are covered by Sectorplan 24 of the National Waste Management Plan (LAP2). The annual production of these ashes will grow to about 130 kton in 2020. Most of these ashes will be produced in mid-size plants (1-100 MWth). The quality and composition of these ashes shows large variations as a result of the differences in input biomass and the variety of installation types. The optimum use of bottom ashes is the current practice, i.e. as building material in road works, etc. For fly ashes it is not possible to establish one or two general routes for utilization due to the large variety in quality and (chemical) composition. Specific volumes of fly ashes can be used as raw material for fertilizer production or building material. Fly ashes with a high carbon content may be used as fuel, e.g. in cement kilns. The small volumes and the fluctuations in composition prevent effective development of new utilization routes. As a result, most fly ashes and some bottom ashes will still be landfilled. For clean wood ashes it might be reasonable to enable recycling to forests and energy plantations, although the potential is small in the Netherlands.

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