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ECN publicatie:
Short-term indicators – Intensities as a proxy for savings
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Beleidsstudies 12-12-2013
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-O--13-046 Overig
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
29 Download PDF  (999kB)

The ODYSSEE database on energy efficiency indicators ( has been set up to enable the monitoring and evaluation of realised energy efficiency improvements and related energy savings. The database covers the 27 EU countries as well as Norway and Croatia and data are available from 1990 on. This work contributes to the growing need for quantitative monitoring and evaluation of the impacts of energy policies and measures, both at the EU and national level, e.g. due to the Energy Services Directive and the proposed Energy Efficiency Directive. Because the underlying data become available only after some time, the savings figures are not always timely available. This is especially true for the ODEX efficiency indices per sector that rely on a number of indicators. Therefore, there is a need for so-called short-term indicators that become available shortly after the year has passed for which data are needed. The short term indicators do not replace the savings indicators but function as a proxy for the savings in the most recent year. This proxy value is faster available, but will be less accurate than the saving indicators themselves. The short term indicators have to be checked regularly with the ODEX indicators in order to see whether they can function still as a proxy.

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